Saw it Through the Grapevine

English Arts & Crafts Oak-Framed Mirror with Hand-Carved Grape Vine Decoration (LEO Design)

Art Nouveau craftsmen—whether they be in England, Austria, Scotland, France or the United States (and whatever they called their local Arts & Crafts movement)—often "recycled" decorative elements from their cultural or national pasts. English artisans often tapped Medieval themes (from literature or heraldry), aesthetic motifs from their ancient past (including Norse or Celtic elements) or significant design styles from the past (though centuries old).  And the hand-crafted nature of Arts & Crafts production leant itself to the rustic work methods of earlier times.

The English Arts & Crafts frame, shown above, was made around the year 1900. Nevertheless, it has a style and design of something from the Tudor or Jacobean period, up to 400 years earlier. Even the manner of piecing together the oak planks gives it the look of something from an earlier time.  Hand carved grapes and grape leaves emerge from whiplash vines—which form Celtic knots at the corners.  The result is a piece that is at once rustic and sophisticated.

Please click on the photo above to learn more about it.


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