Win'try Crystal

Hand-Cut Crystal Wine Glasses (4) with Balustrade Stems (LEO Design)

When I buy a set of vintage glasses, I always aim for a group of at least six (and preferably eight). But, every now and then, I find a set of four glasses which is so nice—of such good quality—that I cannot bear to pass-them-by. So here we are: behold a set of four crystal wineglasses with hand-cut radiant notching and faceted balustrade stems. The "ring" is beautiful—and the crisp quality of the leaded glass is beyond dispute. So, for those people of good taste who live in small homes, here's something you may like. Click on the photo to learn more about them.


Though our Greenwich Village store is now permanently closed, LEO Design is still alive and well!  Please visit our on-line store where we continue to sell Handsome Gifts (

We also can be found in Pittsburgh's historic "Strip District" at Mahla & Co. Antiques ( or in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania at The Antique Center of Strabane (

Or call to arrange to visit our Pittsburgh showroom (by private appointment only).  917-446-4248