Winter White - IV

Scheurich West German Modernist Vase with Dappled and Textured Black and White Glazing (LEO Design)


Newly-fallen snow can look so pristine, so perfect.  In fact, after a fresh snowfall, I often try to limit my footsteps to the same narrow path along the edge of my driveway—an attempt to maintain the largest possible blanket of snowy perfection.

But such perfection is fleeting.  (Perhaps a metaphor for life.)  In time, the snow melts, wild animals scamper, and—sooner or later—I need to drive my car down the driveway.  The brilliant white gradually becomes brown; the melting snow turns to slush and the earth below begins to dapple the winter white.  What was once a lovely improvement has become a messy blight.  (Perhaps a metaphor for life.)  But that, too, shall pass: with the rising temperature, the slush will seep into the ground and the soil will be reunited with the Earth.  It's a predictable cycle which repeats numerous times throughout the frigid season.

The West German Modernist vase, shown above, recalls for me this Winter Rhythm.  The vase is also reminiscent of an icy, distant planet.  White glazing mottles the brownish-blackish underglaze.  It was made by Scheurich in the Sixties or Seventies.  While the form and coloration are fairly stark, the overall effect is softened by the gentle curves and dappled appearance.  Click on the photo above to learn more about this handsome vase.

More Winter White items to come—tomorrow and in the days to follow.


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