Welcome, Libra


Deluxe 24 Pound Family Scale by Pelouze Manufacturing, Chicago (LEO Design)


The Sun "entered" Libra last night at 7:21—making today the first full day of that gracious sunsign.  Libra will continue through 22 October, at which point Scorpio takes over.

It is no coincidence that Libra begins on the day of the Equinox—the day on which the sunlight balances the darkness.  Balance is at the heart of the Libra sunsign (which is symbolized by the Scales of Justice).  Those scales come from Themis, the Ancient Greek personification of Divine Law (which was not to be confused with Human Law).  She holds the balance of justice, as does her more modern incarnation, "Lady Justice" (seen in later Western cultures).

Balance is also important for Libras—balancing work vs. career, the competing needs of family members, and the many demands upon one's time.  Libras tend to be diplomatic and gracious, cooperative, fair-minded and they are highly social, needing to belong to a satisfying (and stimulating) group.  Libras are "Air Signs" which means that they are comfortable in the realm of the abstract—concepts like theory, justice, philosophy and law.  Mental stimulation and learning are like oxygen to the Libra; you'll find many books on a Libra's nightstand and good movies in their DVD library.  For all their noble traits, Libras have a few weaknesses.  They notoriously hate personal conflict—and will tune-out or avoid discord or confrontation.  This may seem strange for lawyers (who are attracted to the law, courtrooms and the scales of justice).  Perhaps Libras are good at compartmentalizing their personal conflicts, separating them from the need to be adversarial at work (on behalf of a deserving client).  Or maybe Libras are good at focusing on the intangible, theoretical and high-minded dimensions of the law (while they still avoid confronting family, neighbors or other people they meet in the course of daily personal interaction).  This reticence to personally "call out" others can lead to the appearance of indecisiveness, bouts of self-pity and a predisposition to harbor a grudge.

The "Deluxe Family Scale" shown here, while not a traditional "Balance of Justice," is still attractive and quite useful.  It was made by the Pelouze Scale and Manufacturing Company in Chicago in the 1910's or 1920's.  Click on the photo above to learn more about it.


Though our Greenwich Village store is now permanently closed, LEO Design is still alive and well!  Please visit our on-line store where we continue to sell Handsome Gifts (www.LEOdesignNYC.com)

We also can be found in Pittsburgh's historic "Strip District" at Mahla & Co. Antiques (www.mahlaantiques.com) or in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania at The Antique Center of Strabane (www.antiquecenterofstrabane.com).

Or call to arrange to visit our Pittsburgh showroom (by private appointment only).  917-446-4248