July is here—with its summer weather, its beach vacations and (on the 23rd) its leonine sunsign. July also brings its birthstone, the ruby. Rubies are amongst the "cardinal" gemstones, the most precious, important, and expensive: diamonds, sapphires, emeralds and rubies.
This West German footed vase, made in the 1960's or 1970's, is not made of rubies. But its deep, regal red glaze is reminiscent of the July birthstone. It was made in the rather small ceramics workshop, Hoy Hey. The dark brown stoneware clay provides a rich juxtaposition to the sensuous, dripping red glaze. Please click on the photo above to learn more about it.
Though our Greenwich Village store is now permanently closed, LEO Design is still alive and well! Please visit our on-line store where we continue to sell Handsome Gifts (www.LEOdesignNYC.com).
We also can be found in Pittsburgh's historic "Strip District" at Mahla & Co. Antiques (www.mahlaantiques.com) or in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania at The Antique Center of Strabane (www.antiquecenterofstrabane.com).
Or call to arrange to visit our Pittsburgh showroom (by private appointment only). 917-446-4248