The Dog Days of Summer - I

Cast Brass "Slouchy Puppy" Finished with a Verdigris Bronze Patina (LEO Design)


We now find ourselves in "The Dog Days of Summer."  This year, the period spans from 3 July through 11 August—the period during which Sirius the star appears on the morning horizon and travels its visible path across the sky.

Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky.  Its name comes from the Greek, meaning "glowing" or "scorching."  It keeps company with a larger cluster of stars, a constellation, called Canis Major (meaning "The Greater Dog").  For millennia, humans have noticed, studied and tracked this special star—often attributing great power to this celestial fixture.

In Ancient Egypt, Sirius was associated with the goddess Sopdet.  Her annual return to the night sky signaled the anticipated flooding of the Nile—the life-sustaining blessing which kept Egypt alive.

The Greeks (who named Sirius "the scorcher") associated the star's presence with heat, drought, fevers, thunderstorms and bad luck.  When this "Dog Star" returned each year, the Greeks knew that The Dog Days would bring lethargy, discomfort, and possible sickness.  The Romans, likewise, blamed Sirius for elevating the summer heat.

In England, as late as the 16th Century, physicians (such as they were) advised to avoid bloodletting and inducing vomiting during the "Dogge daies" because "the Sunne is in Leo." In 18th Century England, men were warned to avoid sex with women and too much food during the period.

Today, when many of us enjoy the comforts of climate controlled homes and transport, the Dog Days of Summer are nothing more than an inconvenience—and, perhaps, a time where business and productivity are likely to take a pause.

In honor of the Dog Days of Summer, we will be sharing some of our favorite "dog items," all for sale in the LEO Design on-line shop.

Shown above, a charming "slouchy puppy," well-sculpted to convey the energy of an exhausted (but still intrigued) pup.  He is made of cast brass, finished with a verdigris bronze patina.  He will patiently wait for you—on your desk, mantel or bookshelf—and remind you to relax during those hot (and unfortunately named) days.  Click on the photo above to learn more about it. 

More dogs tomorrow—and in the days to come.


Though our Greenwich Village store is now permanently closed, LEO Design is still alive and well!  Please visit our on-line store where we continue to sell Handsome Gifts (

We also can be found in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, at The Antique Center of Strabane (

Or call to arrange to visit our Pittsburgh showroom (by private appointment only).  917-446-4248