There is nothing quite like an English Summer. Warm, just a little balmy, but gentle. And beautiful. Each part of England enjoys its own specific beauty, though each region does share a few commonalities: rolling hills, big fluffy skies, and divine shades of green—truly heaven on earth.
This week I'll be traveling through England. A good bit of business interlaced with fun, friends, and snippets of cultural edification. New acquisitions should be back in the States—and starting to appear on the website—around 12 June. Please check back to see what I've found and check this journal where I'll be sharing some of the wonderful sights of my journey.
More from my travels tomorrow.
Though our Greenwich Village store is now permanently closed, LEO Design is still alive and well! Please visit our on-line store where we continue to sell Handsome Gifts (www.LEOdesignNYC.com).
We also can be found in Pittsburgh's historic "Strip District" at Mahla & Co. Antiques (www.mahlaantiques.com) or in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania at The Antique Center of Strabane (www.antiquecenterofstrabane.com).
Or call to arrange to visit our Pittsburgh showroom (by private appointment only). 917-446-4248