These days, when I venture out of the house—either to pull some weeds in my garden or walk little Benji around the block—I am reminded that Spring is already here. It gets warmer every day. The twilight is a little later. The daffodils have blossomed and the rose leaves are beginning to bud. Let's try to forget The Virus for a few moments and take a little pleasure in the fact that renewal, rebirth, rejuvenation is happening all around us.
This West German vase by Bay is a step in a happy direction. With its dappled, apple green glazing, it reminds me of a fresh, crisp Granny Smith apple. And what is more promising than anything in soft green? Like the newest leaves on a Springtime tree, this pale green coloration happily reminds us of new birth and a life which lies ahead.
Click on the photo above to learn more about it.
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