Birds of a Feather - III

Pair of English Hand-Painted Tin Penguins (LEO Design)


In times past, children would be found playing with small sculpted figurines—perhaps soldiers, animals or automobiles.  Such animals might be those varieties found on a farm, at a circus, in a zoo or on Noah's Ark.  Here we have a pair of British tin penguins—dressed in their fancy, hand-painted black and white "tuxedos."  They probably originated from a collection of zoo animals in the Twenties or Thirties.  Playful penguins have always captivated humans.  Their rocking gait, formal "attire" and devoted nesting practices have made them ripe for anthropomorphism.  Indeed, these little tin birds have loads of personality—despite the simplicity of their design.  Click on the photo above to learn more about these handsome creatures.

More Birds of a Feather tomorrow and in the days to come.


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