Tramping-Off into the Future

Vintage Tramp Art Photo Frame (LEO Design)

With five days left before LEO Design closes its door, we’re frantically trying to pack and help customers—and, boy, are there a lot of customers!  Sales have been brisk; it’s like Christmas in January!  All merchandise is marked-down 50%, including what remains of our antique frame collection.  Please come into the shop to find yourself a little souvenir (now on sale!) or check-out our on-line store (which will remain up and running into the future).


LEO Design will be closing its doors on 31 January.  Please visit the store (or website) where all remaining merchandise is on-sale.

Our on-line shop will continue on!  Please visit

See new merchandise first!  Follow us on Instagram: “leodesignhandsomegifts”