Talk Like a Pirate!

Bronze-Clad and Polychromed Swashbuckling Pirate Sculpture (LEO Design)

Two friends, Mark Summers and John Bauer, were playing a friendly game of racquetball. “Ahrrrrrr!” one cried as the ball hit him.  And, thus, was born “International Talk Like a Pirate Day!”  In truth, the founding incident took place on 6 June 1995—already commemorated as WWII's "D-Day"—so, out of respect for that historical milestone, they decided to celebrate their new holiday on 19 September instead (Summers’s ex-wife’s birthday).

The holiday has grown worldwide.  It is especially popular in frat houses, English pubs, and any other place young men gather.  Simply mention “International Talk Like a Pirate Day” to any boy (or boy-at-heart) and you’re likely to receive the growled response: “Arrrrgh Matey!”

The impressive bronze-clad Pirate sculpture, pictured above, has already found a good den.  I never heard him speak—which is probably a good thing—but I know he will guard your den while he guards his own chest of booty.

Happy "Talk Like a Pirate" Day!


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