Seeing Clearly

Magnifying Glasses and Other Desk Accessories at LEO Design

As I approached (and overtook) my 50th birthday, I started noticing that print was getting smaller and smaller!  Why were printers continually decreasing the font sizes they were using?  Well, I discovered a handsome and practical solution:  magnifying glasses!  Shown above, two such examples.  Come-in and see them.  They’re now 25% off.  All merchandise (in-store and on-line) is now marked down at least 25% (and in some cases, 50% or 75%).


LEO Design will be closing its doors on 31 January.  Please visit the store (or website) where all remaining merchandise is on-sale.

Our on-line shop will continue on!  Please visit

See new merchandise first!  Follow us on Instagram: “leodesignhandsomegifts”