Perfect Simplicity

Navy Blue Glazed Studio Vase by Inge Böttger, West Germany (LEO Design)

At first glance, this vase is easily overlooked—with its rather plain, perhaps utilitarian mien. But look closely at the shape with its classical (timeless) curves and perfectly-graduated form.  And the glaze, has a sophisticated, visually-textured surface.  While the glaze appears sandy, to the hand it feels perfectly smooth.  Millions of tiny little bubbles seem to be forever trapped beneath the deep blue surface.  Lastly, the piece is hand-thrown of a dark mud-brown clay (which perfectly complements the deep blue glaze). Think of this piece not as “the headliner”—about to take center stage—but, rather, as the perfect punctuation to a larger assemblage which needs a solid and handsome supporting player to complete the stage setting.  It was made by Ms. Inge Böttger in Hamburg, Germany around 1970.  Please come into the shop to see it.


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