Otto Gerharz

Ruscha  Bottle Vase with Rust & Gunmetal Glazing by Otto Gerhard (LEO Design)

Ruscha has become one of my favorite Mid-Century German potteries.  They were a mid-sized workshop—big enough to enjoy some economies of scale but small enough to maintain artistry and craftsmanship.  Perhaps the best part, to me, is the wonderfully inventive and beautiful glazes—the work of glaze master Otto Gerharz.  He led the company as Artistic Director and kept the wonderful ideas coming.  Although he eventually left Ruscha to form his own pottery workshop, “Otto,” he left an indelible mark on Ruscha—a mark which lasted until the company was shuttered in 1996.  The piece above, glazed with spontaneously flowing rust and gunmetal glazes, was created (and made under the supervision of) the great Otto Gerharz.


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