
Art Deco Cufflinks with Springtime Fleurs de Lys (LEO Design)

From Medieval times, the stylized lily—the fleur de lys—has played an important role in Christian iconography: first as a symbol of Christ, later a symbol associated with the Virgin Mary.  In paintings and other artworks, Mary can sometimes be seen holding lilies in her right hand, especially in depictions of The Annunciation.  The lily has become symbolic of purity and virtue.  French heraldry has made ample use of the fleur de lys—a usage which has spread to other, (once) French-speaking regions like Canada and the U.S. South (especially New Orleans). Fleurs de lys have also been found in the crowns and heraldry of Jacobean kings and Roman popes.

Today Christians worldwide celebrate The Epiphany, the church feast commemorating the revelation of Christ to the Gentiles (embodied initially in the persons of the Wise Men, later understood as the greater non-Semitic peoples).

The cufflinks above, crafted in the 1920’s or 1930’s, display a bit of modern heraldry: a fleur de lys floats over a field of pale yellow enameling, touched with stripes of white and spring green.  These are an example of our most recently-acquired, post-Holiday shipment, now in-store and awaiting your visit.  You may also click on the photo above to learn more about them.

More newly-received merchandise tomorrow.