Our story begins in 1995. Kimo Jung, founder and owner of LEO Design, was designing menswear for a large national chain. It was a great job: respected company, good money and all the frequent flyer miles he could spend. But something was missing; it wasn't his business.

On Independence Day 1995, Kimo made a leap of faith. He founded LEO Design and established his professional raison d’être: to produce, merchandise and purvey “Handsome Gifts” and home furnishings. The Greenwich Village (NYC) store evolved over time as Kimo tried new products and fine-tuned the shop's aesthetic.  And, like a painting, the store emerged as colors were added or removed from the palette.  Sales were encouraging and a devoted clientele was built. Kimo travelled the world, buying antiques and discovering the works of craftsmen to include in the shop's collection.

After 22 years, 67 employees and three storefront addresses, surviving in a rapidly-gentrifying Greenwich Village had became too difficult. In January 2017, like many of The Village’s Mom & Pop stores before it, LEO Design pulled-up stakes and folded its tent. Once again, Kimo stood before a blank—though promising—canvas.

LEO Design has alighted (truckload by truckload) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We continue to operate our (new and improved) website—complete with on-line store. We acquire new merchandise weekly.  And we have set-up a modest showroom for private, by-appointment selling (to interior designers and individual customers alike).

We welcome your telephone call—whether to help you find a specific treasure, to personally manage an on-line transaction or to schedule an appointment to visit our private Pittsburgh showroom.  (917-446-4248)

Here's to the next 22 years!